Each tribe has its own legend or story about how they
came to use Kambo. The most prevalent legend regarding the origins of
Kambo comes from Brazil. This Kaxinawá legend tells that the Indians of
the tribe were very ill and their medicine man (Pajé in Brazil) had done
everything that was possible to cure them. All medicinal herbs known
were used, but none helped. Under the effect of sacred plant medicines,
he entered the forest and whilst there received a visit from a female
spirit of the forest She brought in her hands a frog, from which she
took a white secretion, and taught the Pajé how to apply it. Returning
to the tribe and following the guidelines that he had received the Pajé
was able to cure his brothers and sisters. From then on he was known as
Pajé Kampu or Kampum. After his death, his spirit lived on in the frog
where it continued its mission to protect the health of those who defend
the forest. The secretion became known as Kambo but in some tribes it
is called Sapo, Dow-Kiet, Kampu or Vacina da Floresta. Its usage spread
and for thousands of years, Kambo has been used as medicine by the
Kaxinawá people, and by many other indigenous groups including the
Amahuaca, Katukina, Kulina, Yawanawá, Matses, Marubo and Mayoruna. it is
still used widely amongst indigenous people in the Amazon to this day
although the rituals vary from tribe to tribe.
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